US DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations
(49 CFR) Ground Transportation



8 hrs - one day         $399/person





See Combo Special:  Take this course and your 8-hour Hazardous Waste (RCRA) LQG Refresher


Designed for very experienced shippers with a fast paced review covering DOT shipping requirements including definitions, security planning, hazardous materials identification, bulk and non-bulk labeling, marking, truck placarding, product and waste shipping documents, and emergency response information for shipments of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and hazardous substances.  Does not cover radioactive materials.



2025 Dates: February 11, April 16, June 2, September 4, December 8


DEP TCH: 8 (BC-2009-2149)
NH DES CEUs: 0.8 



Take this course online!
DOT HAZMAT & Waste Transportation